Tuesday, January 25, 2011

ode to spouse.

So my Lovley spouse has started a food blog right hea....dadada...
http://thechrisinreallife.blogspot.com/ he wants to be healthy again. apparently he got very UNhealthy when he got married, its always the wifes fault right? well anyway, he has been reading other health blogs and they are pretty cool. one down fall to this whole thing is he has been force feeding me vegtables!! yes hes forcing me! well not really but i like to make an attempt at being dramatic. he has been doing a wonderfull job! he has been making healthy meals packed full with vegies and going to the gym. He has lost 5 pounds woot woot! i want to help him and we can be healthy and live long long lives together( if he wants me that long) my down fall is I HATE vegtables unless you have tons of butter salt and a deep fryer ill eat them. and im kinda addicted to sugar, when i say kinda im lieing i love anything with sugar...maybe if i pour sugar on my veggies ill eat them ehh ehh? so im trying to cut back on sugar, sad face. and my new years resolution has been to stop drinking the pop and its been a month! yupp im on a roll im pretty amazing. here are some pictures on our road to healthyness

so these are some tricks that I love. thank you sams club! im addicted to vitamin water deeelishh. and these are cute little things are carrotts and apples in their own individual packages, im all about grabbing, opening and eating. not so much, cutting chopping, cooking. so these are perfect for an easy snack and they are only $2.50 at Sams Club.
this is what i brought to daycare today for lunch and snacks..healthy right? i just didnt take a picture of the blueberry beagle at ate for lunch and the chocolate chip cookies i had a work...the kids made me eat them! that cute little pink contianer is something amazing called greek yogurt! love that stuff its like ice cream! its sooo delish. the bad thing is its like $1 and other yogurt is .30-.50 so thats usually a treat.

this is a enchaladad, let me correct myself, a vegitarian enchalada, no meat you say? thats the same thing i thought! this thign is packed full of evry vegtable ever imaginable. my spouse did a great job trying to sneak in those green things. good thing there was cheese.

my hands were real cold and dinner was hot.

this is what you call an angry wife eating vegtables for the first time.


  1. I love it...you should share recipes! Especially the vegetarian ones :). That is awesome and so nice that you can do it (get healthy) together. Fun to read your blog. Mine is really boring, mostly for family, but here it is.

  2. thanks Haylie! ill deffinitally have to put up some recipes check out chris's too. he has been making lots of healthy things! love your pictures of maddison!
